09 December 2011

Oh Christmas Tree

I don't normally decorate for Christmas.  We typically travel and with no kids it just seems like it's more trouble than it's worth sometimes.  The theme of my life this year seems to be change although my word of the year is balance.  I decided to get a tree after all.  Somehow that has to relate to balance, right? Taking more time to enjoy family, or even the moment we are in?

We loaded up in the "new" Chevy and headed to Wintergreen Farm, a local farm. 
I really wanted a local tree that we could cut down ourselves.  They grow Virginia Pine, Elderica, Leyland Cypress and Carolina Sapphire.  The Sapphire trees were beautiful.  Unfortunately, the weather didn't cooperate.  It had been raining and there was too much standing water to lug a saw out to the field and drag a tree back in.  That is also the reason my photos didn't turn out too well. 

We settled for a pre-cut fir.  A variety you can get anywhere, but I'd rather give my business to the little guy.  After a cup of hot, apple cider we loaded up and went home.
It was soaking wet by the time we got it home, but we went for it and put it up with a bunch of towels below it to catch the water.  Ollie didn't quite know what to think of this tree coming in the house.  She had this look on her face most of the day. 
After we finished decorating I felt like I had nested.  I am sinking into this home unlike any other.  Like a cottonwood tree, my roots are growing fast, and I'm loving every minute of it.

How did you decorate this year? Did you get a tree?

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